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As Operation Resilience begins to offer a wide variety of community events and support, we want you to know it is our goal to heal and grow together through a range of offerings and opportunities. The willingness to say YES  to receiving what is being offered to you and to engage in community is a signal to your inner self and your support circle that you are ready to face what may be holding you back with the intention of becoming who you are truly meant to be. Together we can make strides that we could never make alone. 

This Month Operation Resilience has 2 exciting opportunities for you to take part in. One will be in person and one will be a monthly recurring virtual experience.

Operation Resilience is excited to partner with Virginie Miramon to offer an online  PureBioenergy® healing event.  Virgine is a natural seer and intuitive, who has been assisting people on their healing path for over twenty years with the help of different energy healing modalities. 

PureBioenergy® is a natural healing method using the energy of Life itself to address physical or emotional ailments by facilitating and supporting the body’s own ability to self-heal. It is a simple, elegant and structured method with great results. PureBioenergy is a gentle, non-invasive, non-verbal therapy with no side effects. This holistic method works with pure energy from Source. Source energy contains the information of perfect health that our biofield/aka immune system needs in order to repair/reverse any condition, imbalance or illness on all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

A PureBioenergy treatment is a natural alternative to “talk therapy” to address P.T.S.I., as oftentimes individuals do not want to continue to relieve the pain and trauma over and over again in group therapy or private sessions. This natural healing method has been an effective way of bringing relief for a large number of symptoms:

It is also a gentle way to help integrate any plant medicine work, balance the chakras,

activate the Third Eye and access the Heart Space within.

A PureBioenergy® therapy is done over the course of 4 days back to back with one session a day for about 20 min. For best results, it is recommended to attend all 4 sessions.

The more we receive PureBioenergy, the faster the body responds. It recognizes this

information and starts working immediately with it. The effects are cumulative over the

course of treatments. All that is required is to be open to receive the healing and trust the

process. It is that simple.

February 19


May 25

Memorial Day Murph